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  1. Underlay weldable roofing felt Nexler Medium PYE G200 S40 7.5 m2
    Underlay weldable roofing felt Nexler Medium PYE G200 S40 7.5 m2
    £51.18 / roll £42.65 / roll
    £43.87 / roll
    £36.56 / roll
    Product available: 38 [roll]
    more within: 14 days
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  2. Top weldable roofing felt Nexler Medium PYE PV250 S52H (PJ 52H Medium) 6.0m2
    Top weldable roofing felt Nexler Medium PYE PV250 S52H (PJ 52H Medium) 6.0m2
    £39.79 / roll £33.16 / roll
    £34.10 / roll
    £28.42 / roll
    Product available: 48 [roll]
    more within: 14 days
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  3. Underlay weldable roofing felt Nexler PJ PYE PV200 S40 (PJ 40) 7.5m2
    Underlay weldable roofing felt Nexler PJ PYE PV200 S40 (PJ 40) 7.5m2
    £70.48 / roll £58.73 / roll
    £60.41 / roll
    £50.34 / roll
    Order only
    Dispatch within: 14 days.
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